
What's the Factors that determine nanocrystalline cores performance?

  • August 19. 2022

The performance of nanocrystalline  core is determined by the  permeability of the strip used for the core and the size of the core (OD, ID, H)

  • Derived from OD, ID, height H
  • Cross sectional area of magnetic coreS = 1 / 2 (OD-ID) *H
  • Magnetic circuit length L = π / 2 * (OD + ID)

Due to the gap between the strip layers in the process of core winding, the effective cross-sectional area


If is the lamination coefficient or filling factor, which represents the proportion of metal materials in the actual core

Therefore, the performance of the magnetic core depends on Se and L

And the core weight W= ρ* Ve= ρ* Se*L

ρ Ideal density of nanocrystalline materials

Ve effective volume of core

When quoting, we usually choose f = 0.75 as the lamination coefficient according to the quality of the strip


During some production, the strip is relatively smooth, and the lamination coefficient reaches f = 0.80. Therefore, we only control the weight of the material during production, maintain the same effective cross-sectional area, and reduce the outer diameter when the inner diameter remains unchanged, please use these cores to test whether they have the enough performance for transformer. 

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